Our mission is to create and consolidate a new orientation on the dynamic translations’ market, by means of our translation agency,
specialized in legal and business translations. This specialization does not exclude translations from other fields (technical, medical, etc.)
that are processed and delivered at the same high quality standard.
Legal translations are carried out by our team of dedicated professionals, which consists of: certified and sworn translators, lawyer-linguists, specialized reviewers and proofreaders.
Our certified translators hold a BA, MA or PhD degree in Languages, as well as certificates issued by the relevant institutions for the linguistic combinations they are specialized in.
The lawyer-linguists have at least a Bachelor of Laws degree and hold various language certificates (issued by national or international institutions): certificates issued by the Ministry of Justice,
by the Ministry of Culture or by other foreign language centers (British Council, the French Institute, the Goethe Institut, etc.). They have the advantage of their specific,
long-time work experience, holding the positions of lawyer or legal advisor within other organizations.
Our specialized reviewers analyze the translated text from the point of view of the terminological adequacy. They are university graduates, in law, economics, medicine and technical field and have a rich and solid professional experience enabling them to be familiar with the specialized terminology and processes.
The proofreaders, who ensure the grammatical, orthographic and stylistic accuracy of the final translated document, have specific university studies or work within publishing houses.
Thus, your documents are translated, checked and re-checked by three different persons: translator – specialized reviewer – proofreader or translator – lawyer-linguist – proofreader.
Our objective is to satisfy your requirements and expectations, ensuring a fast, optimal and high-quality delivery of the documents you entrusted us.
Since our portfolio of clients is composed of institutions activating in the legal field, we put a special emphasis on the confidentiality policy.
You can contact us personally for more details about the process of sensitive information management